Monday 6 May 2013


Today I'm going to share some nail care tips with you!
  1. First of all, stop biting your nails!
    It not only makes your hand unsightly but also damage your nails and your teeth.
  2. Always keep your fingernails dry and clean.
    This prevents bacteria, fungi and other organisms from growing under your fingernails.
    Wear rubber gloves when cleaning, washing dishes or using harsh chemicals.
  3. Nail polish remover does exist for a reason.
    Never use your nails or blades to remove nail polish.
  4. Moisturize your nails.
    Your nails will get dehydrated just like your skin.
    When you use hand lotion, add a bit on to your fingernails, and cuticles too.
  5. Massage your hand.
    A hand massage will boost your circulation and encourage nail growth.


3.千万别用指甲或其他工具乱刮除指甲彩   绘,一定要用卸甲油哦!


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